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Who i am ?

Hello! My name’s salima, a solo traveller from morocco, and i am the writer and photographer behind the safarmaniaa blog!  i hope that you found it interesting and that i could give ideas through my experiences that may help you make amazing plans of travel 🤗 😍.

Who i am and what are my passions?

I’m a traveler from morocco. My passion is learning about life through travelling and exploring. For me It’s about discovering yourself and learning new things. Meeting new people, visiting new places and exploring new cultures, and slowly getting used to how small this world is.

In case you were wondering, I’m 1’67 tall, athletic body, and crazy about three things driving, music and descovering. I also like to make natural bio self-care items. And it works most of the time! but sometimes it fails haha.

I like cooking too, but i’m not very good and my favorite meal is carrot with orange salad. I love designing and sewing costumes, i don’t like those ready-made clothes and i hardly find my style. So I want to make my own clothes. and maybe my own brand in the future 😛. What else..oh! i can speak Arabic, French, English and some Spanish.

Dreams && fears

My dream is to live in a farm and to have a huge garden and to take care of plants and bees..(It seems to be a good retirement project, I think, if i reached the age of 60 🙂)

I have phobia of snakes. I have interesting stories with them haha… and it seems that i miraculously escaped every time.. Once I was about to pick buckthorn seeds, while a snake was wrapped around a nearby branch. And another time i was about to step on another snake if it had not suddenly risen and i stopped my feet in the last second and ran away 2km. I still don’t know how it happened! but i remember that time I could hear my heart beating like a drum..)

My biggest fear is sickness and powerlessness.. I mean if a day comes and felt helpless and need help..etc  I don’t like that and i can’t accept it. I hope to live my life in an elegant way and to leave this world in an elegant way too..well that’s all about me i gess!

You’re welcome to my blog. where I share my adventures, important travel tips, guides, photos, videos, and much more.. And don’t forget to keep in touch and follow me on my social media accounts 😇

The story behind the name: safarmania

Why did i choose ‘safarmania” as the name of my blog?

Well, the reason is that for me It’s about a mindset. Something that we all share. who dosen’t like travel? none!  I believe that everyone would turn into a travel maniac if he had the chance. So that’s why “safar” (means travel) and mania. And i believe too that we’re all the same. We may seem a bit different, speak different languages, and even wear different clothes and have different cultures and beliefs…etc. But we’re the same in our bloods, feelings, smiles, laughters and dreams. And we have to take the time to learn about, and the best way to do this is by traveling, and that’s what safarmania is all about.

I hope that my blog inspires you to travel, and to learn about new cultures, to know new people and to visit new places. I hope that I’ve been able to spark your inner explorer, and encourage you to think about life a little bit differently.

Through my trips,articles,photos and videos. My purpose is to help you make good plans of  travel,and amazing memories through it. And i hope am succeeding in doing so. You can contact me in here.


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