Home » The Archaeological Museum of Tetouan

The Archaeological Museum of Tetouan

The museum

The Archaeological Museum of Tetouan is one of the most important landmarks in the city of Tetouan. Which provides the visitor with valuable detailed information about the history of the city. And the civilizational developments that it has undergone until the present time. By displaying a group of archaeological pieces and collectibles. The Archaeological Museum was established in Tetouan in 1939 and opened in 1940.

The Archaeological Museum of Tetouan is located near Mechouar Said square, on an area of ​​2,650 square metres. It includes archaeological pieces and excavations dating back to prehistoric periods. Coming from various sites in the north of the Kingdom. Especially some caves, Mazoura, Lixus, Tamouda, Al Qasr Al Saghir, and the valley of martil. The museum collections also consist of stone tools, prehistoric human remains, engineering pieces, pottery, coins. As well as bronze statues. The museum also includes a special hall for Roman mosaics from Lixus.

In its outside area, an Andalusian-style garden, then in the inside, a foyer and three permanent exhibition halls. In additon to a small movie room, a small restoration workshop, a store and an administration building.

Let’s go on a tour in the Archaeological Museum

The exterior of the musuem

The tour begins in this museum from its garden. Which includes five mosaic pieces dating back to the second century AD, found in Lixus. In addition to Islamic tombstones from the cemetery of Tetouan. Dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries and Roman amphorae. Various Latin inscriptions and Roman remains were found in Tamuda and Lixus. Such as the bases of statues bearing Latin inscriptions, capitals, small pillars of stone, and models of ancient millstones.

the lobby

The tour continues and takes us to the lobby of the museum, which displays two models of beautiful Roman mosaics. The first is the” Three Graces” and the second represents the journey of Bacchus. (an ancient Berber king) discovered in Lixus. On the lower floor, the visitor will discover a private space in the city of Tetouan and the surrounding area. As well as a hall containing several mosaic pieces. Finally, on the first floor, we find the Tamuda Hall. Which is an ancient archaeological city, click here to learn more about it. Below you will find details of each hall.

Hall 1

 This hall leads to the inside of the museum. Where the visit begins with the first hall dedicated to human remains from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. Among the exhibits are stone or bone tools dating back to various civilizations. Prehistoric (Acheulean, Mousterian, Ateria, Ibero-Morese and Neolithic). They were discovered in Martil  valley, Uhud al-Gharbiya, Umzura, two caves “kahf al_khal” means  the dark cave and others.

It is also possible to see a model of the Magalitian tomb. With a forged, a rock carving and a millstone. The hall also displays Punic-Mauritanian ceramic remains. Lanterns of clay, Roman remains such as the sculpture representing the struggle of Hercules and Antioch. And other bronze monuments, discovered in three main sites: Sidi Abd al-Salam al-Bahr, Tamuda and Lixus. It is also possible to see some Islamic remains such as tiles, decorated pottery and oil lamps. Which  were found at the sites of Lixus and Al-Qsar Al-Sghir between the 13th and 16th centuries.

Hall 2

This space is known as the Mosaic Hall, and the visitor can see four of the most beautiful Roman mosaics, dated at the end of the second century AD, discovered at the site of Lixus in one of the best houses known as the House of Mars and Rhea Sylvia:

  1. The mosaic  of the god Mars and Rhea Sylvia, which is distinguished, in addition to the central symbol, by its beautifully colored geometric decorations.
  2. The mosaic of Venus and Adonis, who appear semi-naked and with intertwined legs, surrounded by eros and birds.
  3. A mosaic is displayed on the floor at the back of the hall, distinguished by its geometric shapes and is a continuation of the mosaic representation of Venus and Adonis.
  4. a mosaic  is  displayed on the floor at the entrance to the hall, found in one of the halls of the house of Mars and Rhea Silvia, next to the first mosaic (the central symbol depicts a mythological scene); The floors of Roman houses were often paved with mosaic panels representing geometric motifs and mythological scenes.

Hall 3

 The visitor can discover archaeological finds found in northwest Morocco in general and the Tetouan region in particular. Most of the exhibits are of antiquity, especially the Roman era. And a few antiquities related to prehistoric times and Islamic periods, the exhibits in this hall give an idea of ​​the following topics:

  • Weapon (flint arrowheads, bronze forearm, bone buttons, dagger,…)
  • Lighting (lamps, inscriptions, jars,…)
  • Religion (monuments and sculptures)
  •  Roman house and furniture (bronze parts attached to the bed and others to decoration)
  • Kitchen and utensils (parts of ostrich eggshells, various pottery such as plates, jars, mugs, cups, cups,…)
  • Women and jewelry (bronze bracelets and rings, bone medallions, glass paste necklaces, gold rings, bronze mirrors…)
  • There are also tools related to other forms of Roman life: fishing, sewing, music, medicine and surgery. The museum also displays Mauritian and Roman antique coins found in Lixus, Tamouda and Tangis, in addition to a Roman bronze candlestick and a part of alabaster halves of cato the younger.

caton of utica or caton the younger was born around 95bc in utica in roman north africa. and during the civil war between Pompey and Julius Caesar he supported Pompey and committed suicide after his defeat at Thapsus in 46 BC.

Visiting times && ticket price

Open all days of the week except for Tuesday from 9 am to 4 pm

Entry tickets: 10 dirhams for adults – 03 dirhams for children

Friday: free visit for Moroccans

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