Home » Tamuda city

The ancient Tamuda city

Founding and destruction of the first Tamuda city

Tamuda city, founded by the Berber King Baka in 200 BC, and its ruins were discovered near of Tetouan. It contains stone remains dating back to the Old Stone Age and to the Neolithic period. It is currently preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Tetouan. In 40AD, Tamuda was destroyed during the Berber-Roman war during the “Idemon” revolution, before it was destroyed and reconstructed again.

The “Natural History” of Pliny the Sheikh, who died in 79AD, is the oldest text mentioning the city. The archaeologists were able to settle it on the site after they found an inscription bearing “Tamuda” among its ruins. The archaeological remains that were found in this site highlight the high level of civilization reached by this city. During the second and first centuries BC, and this is evident from the pre-Roman city design. With its regular Berber Hellenistic character. as well as by the quality of its harmonious buildings.

Tamuda landmarks and monuments

The 1st Tamuda has known rapid development and prosperity. As its perpendicular streets expanded and the houses overlooking them were numerous. And its strategic location contributed to this growth as it enabled the berbers to work on building. And given the multiple advantages of the site of Tamuda. The romans built a second city over the ruins of the destroyed city. The archaeological excavations of the site of Tamouda proved the presence of traces of two successive cities. The first berber city, was founded around 200 BC, and demolished during the first half of the first century BC. To be rebuilt before it was destroyed again in 40 AD following the events of the edmon revolution.

The second Tamuda is a Roman fortress built in the middle of the destroyed city. It is a square-shaped landmark and its sides reach 80 meters, surrounded by huge walls. Built with stones supported by twenty towers. An altar of the Augustan victory goddess and finds represented in bronze statues, coins and utensils were also discovered.

Tamuda – the archaeological site remains a rare site in North Africa with the ruins of its two successive cities. The first punic mauritanian tamuda, topped by the second, which represents the roman camp. Built on the ruins of the first destroyed city, after the occupation of the area by the Roman Empire.

marble fragment with roman inscriptions that were found in tamuda.

The archaeological site of Tamuda in Tetouan

The inhabitants of the two cities left different traces that allowed to trace the stages of their history since the founding of the city around 200 BC. Until its extinction during the first quarter of the 7th century BC. Therefore, the resumption of excavation work has become vital for this site. Which may involve new effects that would verrify some informations, as well as the interpretation of some events. That still constitute a mystery to specialists, such as the demolition of the first tamuda.

The city of Tamouda is one of the current archaeological cities located near the city of Tetouan in northern Morocco. It is the ruins of an ancient Roman city dating back to the third century BC. This city is located in the middle of a fertile plain, 5km from the southwest side of Tetouan.

This region constitutes the first phenomenon of urbanization in the pre-BC era. As it was classified among the most important commercial centers in the mediterranean. Due to the important human and economic urban activity that it knew. It should also be noted that Tamuda witnessed various other activities, such as the textile industry. Whose existence is indirectly proven by the burdens of the weavers who were found during some excavations. Moreover, Tamuda was importing products made in other areas of the mediterranean through the martil valley. To this day, Tamouda includes ancient archaeological remains that bring visitors from all over the world.

A punic ashtray used to collect the ashes of the deads after burning them – Tamuda

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1 thought on “Tamuda city”

  1. Awesome 👏
    Keep writing ✍️ such amazing articles
    Looking forward to visit morocco as soon as possible, I heard it’s a magical country 😊

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